The Right Tools for the Job
As an established business, Acer Landscaping owns all the equipment required to landscape and maintain any size of commercial or residential property.
Our equipment is kept clean and in top running order. We rotate all of our tools in order to increase service life. In circumstances where breakdown does occur, we have back-up equipment to keep the job running smoothly.
We regularly replace our equipment with newer, more efficient, and more environmentally-conscious models. All of our equipment is paid for and owned by Acer Landscaping Ltd., and we have a budget to replace and add equipment as needed.
Our shop is located at 2221 McGarrigle Road in Nanaimo.
This 2400 square-foot facility houses all of our necessary tools and equipment, and includes a service bay, work area, and a meeting/staff area:
Our trucks, trailers, and large equipment are stored outside in a secure compound:
When you choose Acer Landscaping, you’re choosing a well-equipped team!